Aircraft Radial Engine Accessories
The Radial Aircraft Engine
The radial aircraft engine is an internal combustion engine which operates in a reciprocating motion. The cylinders are in a configuration that "radiates" outward like spokes on a wheel. Before gas turbine engines became predominant, the radial configuration was used for aircraft engines. Our services include radial engine accessory overhaul, and we offer aircraft radial engine accessories.

The Radial Aircraft Engine
A number of companies continue to rebuild radial aircraft engines today. At Mark Airmotive Inc., we provide aircraft radial engine accessories & radial engine accessory overhaul to all radial aircraft engines.
The Aircraft Synchronizing Box
Synchronizing Boxes
Multi-engine aircraft applications usually use an automatic system to match both engine and propeller speeds, or phase. These systems are referred to as synchronizer boxes.
All multi-engine, airplanes that are prop driven tend to produce quite a bit of "beat noise", produced by propellers rotating at varying speeds, or by prop spinning at the same speed but with different phase angles. The highest noise level high level of the aircraft is in the area of the propeller plane of rotation. Synchronizing boxes greatly reduce this noise level.
When props rotate at different speeds, beat noise and vibration level rise and fall. At the same speed, beat noise and vibration may be at a continuously high level. A relationship exists, for each type of airplane, when propellers travelling at the same speed produce a minimum of noise. Synchronizing boxes effectively reduce noise from the aircraft engine.
How Synchronizing Boxes Work
Synchronizes boxes match either engine speeds or propeller speeds as identically as possible, as if, rather than being driven from 2 sources, each are driven from 1 source, as if geared to the same drive shaft despite the aircraft having independent levers mounted in the cabin, independent engines, & independent engine controls. When the Synchronizer Box is turned on, it maintains a speed match, reducing “beats” from props & makes cabin noise more consistent.
Mark Airmotive Inc. Capabilities
Mark Airmotive Inc. is capable of overhauling accessories found on radial engines in service today.
Mark Airmotive Inc. is an FAA-certified repair station with decades of experience. Our aircraft accessory overhaul services include fuel pumps, boost pumps, hydraulic regulators, starters, generators and more. We guarantee our products & services against defects in workmanship and materials.
On this page you'll find a partial list of our overhaul/repair capabilities. We're happy to discuss the addition of other capabilities to our services as necessary. If the unit you're looking for isn't listed, please contact us anyway.
Mark Airmotive Inc. offers complete overhaul & repair. Mark Airmotive Inc. is prepared to discuss your radial engine accessory needs, and is prepared to be your source for radial engine accessory overhaul services. Our capabilities include generators & starters to fuel components, hydraulics & mechanical airators everything in between. Please contact us for questions concerning capabilities, turn around time, & pricing. Also, we can assist with any technical issues you might have.
Mark Airmotive Inc. overhauls aircraft accessories for radial engines, and starter/generators for turbine engines. We have been at the Moses Lake location since 1992, and are located within an 8000 sq ft facility which consists of 4000 sq ft shop and 4000 sq ft warehouse. We cater primarily to heavy cargo operators, firefighters, air tankers, agricultural aircraft and museum restoration projects.
We've been in the business for 40 years, are family owned, and take pride in our quality of work.